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Ladies Section

Mrs Wendy Flack
Lady Captain 2024/25
Wendy has chosen "The Brain Tumour Charity" (1150054) as her Charity for the coming 12 months, knowing it is a UK based charity dedicated to fundraising research, raising awareness, reducing diagnostic times and providing support. It is a charity close to many hearts at the club.
Wendy has chosen her County Captains for 2025
Cranworth: Heather Chandler
Stearn: Alice Barlow
Weston: Hannah Clark
Jubilee: Carmel Plant
Haskell: Joan Garrett
Suffolk delegate: Melanie Lesser
Team Colours: Red Shirt, Red Jumper, Navy Trousers, shorts or skort.
2024/5 Ladies Committee
Wendy Flack, Captain | Team Captain Liaison, Newsletters |
Audrey Finch, Vice-Captain | Friendly Matches & Winter League |
Pat Coates | Handicap Secretary |
Josie Aves | Lady Golfer of the Year & Board Competition co-ordinator |
Aileen Coleman | Buddy System |
Chris Reid | 18 Hole Eclectics, Lay Cup & Australian Spoons |
Kim Walton | Noticeboards & Changing Room Board Competition co-ordinator |
Yvonne Horne | GK 9 Hole co-ordinator |
Heather Chandler | Ladies Secretary |
Melanie Lesser | SLCGA 100 Club, SLCGA delegate meetings, SLCGA Events, Competitions & Open Days |
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